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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

United We Stand Divided We Fall

Many historical leaders have used the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall”, most notably Patrick Henry and Abraham Lincoln. It is a phrase used to inspire unity and collaboration. At Avalon University School of Medicine, we are often heard encouraging cultures of collaboration both in small groups and University-wide. We believe that collaboration is at the heart of productive teamwork and camaraderie.

Avalon’s students are encouraged to unite and collaborate by becoming active members of the Student Government Association at Avalon. Once established, students are encouraged to connect globally by joining such organizations as the American Medical Student Association (AMSA).

Our recent graduate, Dr. Stephanie Pelenyi, who is in her first year of a Family Medicine Residency Program in Tennessee, and loving it, said that “AMSA provides many opportunities for students to prepare for residency. It is a well-known organization, and membership looks good on your curriculum vitae. Membership provides opportunities such as networking with like-minded professionals, allowing your leadership skills to shine, and providing various volunteer opportunities.” AMSA membership is done through the national AMSA website. For a fee of $75 that lasts four years, nationally recognized members gain access to exclusive resources and advocacy tools. Furthermore, they can enjoy discounts on test preparation materials, learning resources, wellness, personal development resources, and much more.

For students who have decided on a career in a particular specialty, free membership is often provided by that specialty’s national organization, and networking at national meetings may be invaluable. For example, medical students can join the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) for free and enjoy exclusive resources and benefits such as free board review resources and MATCH support. Also, medical students can explore a career in Internal Medicine with a free American College of Physicians (ACP) membership. Access to learning resources and career decision-making tools are just a couple of the many benefits of student membership.

We know that uniting collaboratively is one of the keys to a successful career. Alternatively, division and lonely isolation are not healthy behaviors. So, the ancient phrase “United we stand, divided we fall” carries great meaning at Avalon University School of Medicine.
